Emergency communications... powered by volunteers and technology..
Amateur Radio Emergency Services Company - ARESC - is a organization created to foster the hobby and serve the public, at-large.
The ARESC Repeater Network is utilized by Indiana District One Skywarn as the preferred communications mode during storm spotting activities. More information about Indiana District One Skywarn may be found here: http://www.indianadictrict1skywarn.org
ARESC operates as a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Indiana.
ARESC repeaters are open to all Amateur Radio Operators; however, during weather emergencies, repeater assets are reserved for emergency communications.
The flagship repeater, 146.685- Valparaiso, was constructed initially while Kevin Babich (N9IAA) was a Junior in High School in 1993. It remained in operation until 1998, returning to the air in 2012. The repeater, in addition to providing a medium for emergency Skywarn communications, enables testing of emerging technologies.
During the summer of 2013, a Digital Repeater affiliated with the DMR-MARC network, was constructed. Quickly, this new mode and repeater has been adopted by many and become part of the growing world-wide network of repeaters affiliated with DMR-MARC. Later, a new Chicago centric Network, Tri-State DMR was conceived and the ARESC repeaters were migrated.